DARJYO Advisor - Ranjith Chrispaul Persadh

DARJYO Advisor - Ranjith Chrispaul Persadh

The DARJYO Team is sad to announce the passing away of our Co-Founders; Darshani & Jyothika Persadh's father, Mr Ranjith Chrispaul Persadh. Chris was also an integral part of our DARJYO Team being an important member on our Advisory Board. His lifetime experience with the Transport industry was commended by City & Guilds for his commitment to driving up of standards in Electric Vehicle charging installation, health and safety and increasing the skills of our workforce. He was passionate about Education and Agriculture and he explored the importance of continuous learning to build his own place in the digital industry and took training opportunities accessible to him. To learn from his views and perspectives and his wealth of knowledge was an honour. We Celebrate His Life.

DARJYO Advisor - Ranjith Chrispaul Persadh published by Research and Development

DARJYO is an advanced solution for current surface challenges which penetrate core processes of the digital frame work. We have a vast portfolio of capabilities, services and products to help jumpstart your digital transformation journey. Talk to us at DARJYO about getting started.